


欢迎来到体育外围app下载! I am honored as 校长 to have the opportunity to work with 鲍德温’s remarkable faculty 和 staff to continue to provide the best in girls’ education for generations of girls to come. 
鲍德温学术卓越的基础, focusing on how girls learn best 和 what girls need to thrive, is at the heart of our mission to educate young women who will become the leaders of future generations. We are strong believers in the power of the student voice in guiding their learning 和 educational experience, 尤其是年轻女性. The 鲍德温 School offers myriad opportunities for each girl to explore her passions, develop her confidence 和 build her competencies for future success. A 鲍德温 girl has the opportunity to become anything she wants to be.
We are excited to welcome new students into our community. To invite in girls who will enjoy the innovative 和 experiential liberal arts education 鲍德温 offers in every grade, where we aim to maximize the potential in every student. 十大外围app的想象力 梦想实验室® 会让女孩们充满活力. 十大外围app的广泛的 视觉和表演艺术产品 和获奖 田径项目 will also help young women find their voice in a community that becomes their second home.
Along with an excellent educational experience, we strive to create an environment where each girl knows she belongs 和 is proud to be a member of the 鲍德温 community. 进进出出教室, we want our girls to find inspiration 和 joy throughout their time at 鲍德温 和 in all they do. We know that a foundational piece of this journey is the strong relationships built between students, 老师, 教练, 董事和其他社区成员. 这些关系, 和 the nurturing environment we seek to create at 鲍德温, 是十大外围app机构的核心吗. The sense of community 和 connection is palpable 和 creates bonds that last a lifetime.
十大外围app期待着 欢迎你来到校园 so you can better underst和 why we are all so passionate about 鲍德温 和 the excellent education it provides for our girls. 在此期间, 你会看到创新的教学实践, 在艺术和体育方面表现优异, 和, 最重要的是, you will feel a sense of joy in all that we do. I have no doubt that it will make you – 和 your daughter – want to become a 鲍德温 Bear. 鲍德温的未来是光明的!



A more than 20-year teaching 和 educational leadership veteran, Ms. Macziewski began her career as a middle school science teacher 和 advisor at the highly regarded Blake School, a co-educational day school for Pre-K – Grade 12 in Minneapolis, MN. She progressed over the years into school administration both at Blake 和 at her most recent school, 女子预备学校, 查塔努加的一所6 - 12年级的女子学校, TN, where she most recently held the positions of Head of 中学 和 Associate 校长. During her time at 女子预备学校, Ms. Macziewski reimagined the 中学 program to reflect innovative educational experiences 和 its success was reflected in increased academic outcomes 和 enrollment.
Ms. Macziewski, a native of Minnesota, holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of St. 圣托马斯. Paul, MN, 和 two separate master’s degrees from the University of St. 托马斯和明尼苏达大学. She holds a certificate in school management 和 leadership from Harvard University. Passionate about girls' education 和 the foundational experiences that lead to the development of confidence 和 leadership skills in young women, Ms. Macziewski continues to be a leader in the field of girls education 和 in her support of female leaders. 她是播客的联合主持人自信的你:女性领导力” published by Enrollment Management Association. Additionally, as a life-long learner 和 educator, Ms. Macziewski continues to focus on the innovative world of educational practices 和 how to best prepare students for a successful future beyond their educational institutions. She spoke most recently on Equitable Grading in the Era of Transparency at the International Coalition of Girls Schools’ Conference.

She 和 her husb和 Nathan have two teenage children, 格蕾丝和杰克, 和 are thrilled to be joining the 鲍德温 和 Bryn Mawr communities!

见夫人. Mac!

    • 高中女生
    • 幼儿园的女孩
    • 小学女生